Portland, Oregon’s unofficial motto is: Keep Portland Weird. So it’s not a surprise that one of the city’s hot cycling spots is River View Cemetery. That’s right, a cemetery! But not just any cemetery. The road runs from one residential area to another amidst manicured rolling hills. Not only park like, but nearly every vantage point has some of the best views of Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens.
Covering the entire terraced terrain between Terwillliger Blvd. and the river, visitors and cyclists are welcomed even while dogs, skates and skateboards are not. The cemetery office keeps plenty of walking guide maps for the many people interested in their famous residents.
Probably the most well known resident is Virgil Earp, older brother of Wyatt Earp, both of O.K. Corral fame. I was told that Portland police often turn up for photo ops at his tombstone. Turns out that Virgil’s daughter, Nellie Jane Bohn, requested his remains to be buried in Portland with her. And yes, you’ll find Nellie’s resting place as well.
Civil War buff? There are a number of Civil War notables buried here including Brigadier General Thomas Thorp and his volunteer nurse wife, Mandana.
Between the views, the excellent cycling and the historic gravestones, it’s almost enough to turn you into a cemetery aficionado.
River View Cemetery is Located 300 SW Taylors Ferry Road, Portland, Oregon and is open 8am – Dusk every day.